Robert Aiken Roshi (1917- ) |
The Honolulu Diamond Sangha (HDS), a lay Zen Buddhist organization, was founded in 1959 by Anne Hopkins Aitken and Robert Aitken, Roshi, dharma heir of Yamada Roshi and author of Taking the Path of Zen, The Gateless Barrier: The Wu Men Kuan, and seven other Zen books. In the early years of the Honolulu Diamond Sangha, Zen masters Nakagawa Soen, Yasutani Hakuun, and Yamada Koun served as dharma teachers. In 1974, Yamada Roshi recognized Robert Aitken as a Zen teacher. Aitken Roshi retired in 1996 and now lives on the Big Island of Hawai'i. Lineage: Harada-Yasutani lineage Aitken Roshi is the author of more than ten books on Zen Buddhism , and co-author of a book-length Buddhist-Christian dialogue . In Hawai‘i he was instrumental in founding the Koko An Zendo, the Palolo Zen Center, the Maui Zendo, and the Garden Island Sangha. A number of other centers in Europe, North and South America, and Australasia are part of the Diamond Sangha network, Aitken Roshi has given full transmission as independent masters to Nelson Foster, Honolulu Diamond Sangha and Ring of Bone Zendo in Nevada City, California; John Tarrant , Pacific Zen Institute in Santa Rosa, California; Patrick Hawk, Zen Desert Sangha in Tucson, Arizona, and Mountain Cloud Zen Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico; Joseph Bobrow , Harbor Sangha in San Francisco, California; Jack Duffy , Three Treasures Sangha in Seattle, Washington; Augusto Alcalde, Vimalakirti Sangha, in Cordoba, Argentina and RolfDrosten, Wolken-und-Mond-Sangha (Clouds and Moon Sangha) , in Leverkusen, Germany. He authorized Pia Gyger, One Ground Zendo in Luzern, Switzerland, as an affiliate teacher of the Diamond Sangha. He joined with John Tarrant in giving transmission as independent masters to Subhana Barzaghi in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; and to Ross Bolleter in Perth, Western Australia. As a retired master, Aitken Roshi works with a few long-time students, and continues to study and write. His work, Zen Master Raven: Sayings and Doings of a Wise Bird , was published by Tuttle in 2002 [review]. His most recent publications, The Morning Star: New and Collected Zen Writings , and a new edition of A Zen Wave: Basho's Haiku and Zen , were released in October, 2003, by Shoemaker and Hoard. Main Centre Main Web site: Books by Robert Aiken