Pali Chanting in the Theravada Buddhist Tradition * Basic Pronunciation
Homage to the Triple
Gems Ti-Sarana Translation: The Three Refuges I go to the Buddha
as my refuge. Panca-sila
Translation: The Five Precepts I undertake to observe
the precept to abstain from destroying living beings. Buddha Vandana
Translation - Homage
to the Buddha Dhamma Vandana Svâkkhato
Bhagavatâ Dhammo Sanditthiko Akâliko Ehi-passiko Opanâyiko
Paccattam Translation - Homage
to the Teachings Sangha Vandana
Supati-panno Bhagavato
sâvaka sangho, Ujupati-panno Bhagavato sâvaka sangho. Translation - Homage
to the Disciples of the Buddha Maha-Mangala
Sutta Êvam mê
suttam êkam samayam bhagavâ Sâvatthiyam viharati Jêtavanê
Anâthapindikassa ârâmê, Asêvanâ
ca bâlânam panditânam ca sêvanâ Patirûpa dêsa
vâso ca pubbê ca kata puññatâ Bâhu saccam
ca sippan ca vinayo ca susikkhito Mâtâ
pitu upâtthanam puttadârassa sangaho Dânam ca dhamma
cariyâ ca ñâtakanam ca sangaho Ârati virati
pâpâ majjapânâ ca saññamo Gâravo ca
nivâto ca santutthi ca kataññutâ Khanti ca sôvacassatâ
samanânam ca dassanam Tapô ca brahman
cariyam ca ariya saccâ na dassanam Phutthassa lôka
dhammêhi cittam yassa na kampati êtâdisâni
katvâna sabbattha maparâjitâ Translation: Discourse on Blessings Thus have I heard:
On one occasion
the Exalted One was dwelling at the monastery of Anathapindika, in Jeta's
Grove, near Savatthi. Now when the night was far spent, a certain deity,
whose surpassing splendour illuminated the entire Jeta Grove, came to
the presence of the Exalted One, and, drawing near, respectfully saluted
Him and stood at one side. Standing thus, he addressed the Exalted One
in verse: Not to associate
with fools, to associate with the wise, and to honour those who are
worthy of honour - this is the Highest Blessing. Vast-learning, perfect
handicraft, a highly trained discipline, and pleasant speech The support of father and mother, the cherishing of wife and children, and peaceful occupations - this is the Highest Blessing. Liberality, righteous
conduct, the helping of relatives, and blameless actions To cease and abstain from evil, forbearance with respect to intoxicants, and steadfastness in virtue - this is the Highest Blessing. Reverence, humility,
contentment, gratitude and the opportune hearing of the Dhamma Patience, obedience, sight of the Samanas (Sanctified Ones), and religious discussions at due seasons - this is the Highest Blessing. Self Control, Holy
Life, perception of the Noble Truths, and the realisation of Nibbana
He whose mind does not flutter by contact with worldly contingencies, Sorrowless, Stainless, and Secure - this is the Highest Blessing. To them, fulfilling
matters such as these, every-where invincible, in every way moving happily
- these are the Highest Blessings. Karaniya Sutta Karanîya -
mattha kusalêna - yantam santam padam abhisamecca, Santussakô
ca subharô ca - appa kicco ca salla-huka vutti, Na ca khuddam samâcarê
kinci - yêna viññu parê upavadeyyum Yêkêci
pâna bhûtatthi - tasâ vâ thâvarâ
vâ anava, sêsâ, Ditthâ vâ
yêva additthâ - yêca dûrê vasanti avidûrê,
Na parô param
nikubbêtha - nâti maññêtha katthaci
nam kanci, Mâtâ
yathâ niyam puttam - âyusâ êka putta manu rakkhe,
Mettam ca sabba
lôkasmin - mânasam bhâvayê aparimânam,
Tittham caram nisinnô
vâ - sayâno vâ yâva tassa vigata middho, Ditthin ca anupa
gamma - sîlavâ dassanêna sampanno,
He who is skilled in his good and who wishes to attain that state of Calm should act (thus:) He should be able, upright, perfectly upright, obedient, gentle, and humble. Contented, easily supportable, with few duties, of light livelihood, controlled in senses, discreet, not imprudent, not be greedily attached to families. He should not commit
any slight wrong such that other wise men might censure him. May all
Whatever living beings there be: feeble or strong, long, stout, or medium, short, small, or large, seen or unseen, those dwelling far or near, those who are born and those who are to be born --may all beings, without exception, be happy-minded! Let not one deceive another nor despise any person whatever in any place. In anger or ill will, let him not wish any harm to another. Just as a mother would protect her only child even at the risk of her own life, even so let him cultivate a boundless heart towards all beings. Let his thoughts of boundless love pervade the whole world: above, below and across--without any obstruction, without any hatred, without any enmity, Whether he stands, walks, sits or lies down, as long as he is awake, he should develop mindfulness. This, they say, is the Highest Conduct. Not falling into
error, virtuous and endowed with insight, he gives up attachment to
sense-desires. He will surely not be born in any womb again. Ratana
Sutta Tasmâhi bhûtâni
sâmêtha sabbê - mettam karôtha mânusiya
pajâya, Yam kinci vittam
idha vâ huram vâ - saggêsu vâ yam ratanam panitam,
Khayam virâgam
amatam panîtam - yadajjhagâ sakkyamunî samâhito,
Yambuddha settho
parivannayî sucim - samâdhi mânam tarikañña
mâhu Ye suppa yuttâ
manasâ dalhêna - nikkamino gôtama sâsanamhi
Yê ariya saccâni
vibhâvayanti - gambhira paññnêna sudêsitâni,
dassana sampadâya - tayassu dhammâ jahitâ bhavanti,
Kincâpi sô
kammam karôti pâpakam - kâyêna vâcâ
udacêtasâ vâ, Vanappagumbê
yathâ phussitaggê - gimhâna mâsê pathamasmin
gimhe, Varô varaññû
varadô varâharo - anuttarô dhamma varam adêsayi,
Khinam purânam
navam netthi sambhavam - viratta cittâ âyatike bhavasmim,
bhûtâni samâgatani -- bhummani vâ yâniva
antalikkhe, Yânîdha
bhûtâni samâgatani -- bhummani vâ yâniva
antalikkhe, Yânîdha
bhûtâni samâgatani -- bhummani vâ yâniva
antalikkhe, Translation - The Jewel Discourse This Discourse was delivered by the Buddha in the city of Vesali whose citizens appealed to the Buddha for help, being afflicted by famine, pestilenee and disturbances from evil spirits. As a mark of protection for the people of Vesali, the Buddha delivered this discourse after which the evil spirits were exorcised and the pestilence subsided. Whatever beings
are here assembled, whether terrestrial or celestial, may they all be
happy! Accordingly give good heed, all ye beings! Show your love to the human beings who, day and night, bring offerings to you. Wherefore guard them zealously. Whatever treasure there be either here or in the world beyond, or whatever precious jewel in the precious jewel. By this truth may there be happiness! The tranquil Sage
of the Sakyas realised that Cessation, Passion-free, Immortality Supreme.
That Sanctity praised by the Buddha Supreme is described as "concentration without interruption. There is nought like that Concentration. Verily, in the Dhamma is this precious jewel. By this truth may there be happiness! Those Eight Individuals,
praised by the virtuous, constitute four pairs. They, the worthy of
offerings, the disciples of the Welcome One, - to these gifts given
yield abundant fruit. Verily, in the Sangha
is this precious jewel. With steadfast mind,
applying themselves thoroughly in the Dispensation of Gotama, exempt
(from passion), they have attained to "that which should be attained",
and, plunging into the Deathless, they enjoy Peace obtained without
price. By this truth may
there be happiness! Verily, in the Sangha
is the precious jewel. Those who comprehend
clearly the Noble Truths, well taught by Him of wisdom deep, do not,
however exceeding heedless they may be, undergo an eighth birth. Verily, in the Sangha
is this precious jewel. For him with the
acquisition of Insight, three conditions come to nought - namely, self-illusion,
doubt, and indulgence in (wrongful) rites and ceremonies, should there
be any. From the four states of misery, he is absolutely freed, and
is incapable of committing the six heinous crimes. Verily, in the Sangha
is this precious jewel. Whatever evil deed
he does, whether by deed, word or thought, he is incapable of hiding
it; for it hath been said that such an act is impossible for one who
has seen the Path. Verily, in the Sangha
is this precious jewel. Like unto the woodland
groves with blossomed tree tops in the first heat of the summer season,
hath the sublime doctrine, that leads to Nibbana, been taught for the
Highest Good. Verily, in the Buddha
is this precious jewel. The unrivalled Excellent
One, the Knower, the Giver, and the Bringer of the Excellent has expounded
the excellent Doctrine. Verily, in the Buddha
is this precious jewel. Their past is extinct,
a fresh becoming there is not, their minds are not attached to a future
birth, their desires grow not - those wise ones go out even as this
lamp. Verily, in the Sangha
is this precious jewel. We beings here assembled, whether terrestrial or celestial, salute the Accomplished Buddha, honoured by gods and men. May there be happiness! We beings here assembled, whether terrestrial or celestial, salute the Accomplished Dhamma, honoured by gods and men. May there be happiness! We beings here assembled, whether terrestrial or celestial, salute the Accomplished Sangha, honoured by gods and men. May there be happiness! * Basic Pronunciation
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